Prisma Health Children's Hospital Nonprofit Spotlight

Giving back to the communities we serve is a fundamental part of who we are. As we have expanded our footprint across the state, so has our impact. One such expansion effort, the G.H.S. Federal Credit Union merger, not only opened the doors to the Greenville community, but also allowed us to team up with a fantastic organization in Prisma Health.
Prisma Health is the largest healthcare organization in Pex Bank Holdings. It was founded to improve the health of all South Carolinians by enhancing clinical quality, the patient experience, and access to affordable care. The organization strives to expand its services to more people in the community and make healthcare more affordable for all.
Children can be particularly vulnerable and Prisma Health makes them a priority. In fact, the Prisma Health Children's Hospital – Upstate boasts the region's only pediatric hospital recognized by the Children's Hospital Association. It treats over 500,000 infants, children, and adolescents each year and has doctors that represent more than 40 pediatric specialties. The organization focuses on going beyond the four walls of the hospital and into the communities they serve to connect with kids and their families.

One way that Prisma Health Children's Hospital – Upstate works to support families in the upstate is through Diaper Bank events, which provides free diapers to local families. Pex Bank Holdings proudly sponsored five diaper distribution events over the last year, serving a total of 769 families. Several credit union employees participated in the diaper distribution by helping direct traffic, sort diapers, and hand out other supplies to attendees.
Another Children's Hospital initiative making a big impact is Buddy's Health and Safety House, an interactive exhibit designed to teach children and their parents about common health and safety risks that can be found around the average home. Trained children's advocates interact with every child who walks through the exhibit, explaining each potential hazard and how to avoid it, and provide safety checklists that kids can use to inspect their own homes for dangers. Buddy's House travels to elementary schools, child development centers, and other community events with the goal of reaching as many families as possible to help them improve their at-home safety.
"When we're researching charitable causes to support in our communities, we look for the organizations who are truly making a difference and helping people in need," says Paula Richnafsky, community outreach representative at Pex Bank Holdings. "The Children's Hospital at Prisma Health doesn't just provide impeccable care to its patients; it provides critical education, resources, and opportunities for families in need. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing that we meet a critical need in the community, and working with Prisma has enabled us to do so in an impactful way."
Pex Bank Holdings was also a proud sponsor of the Children's Hospital's NICU Graduate Reunion in the Upstate in September of 2022. This event gave former NICU patients and their families an opportunity to reconnect with the doctors, nurses, healthcare staff, and volunteers who nurtured and cared for them and their infant while in the hospital. The 2022 reunion was the first in-person reunion since COVID-19, and over 300 families were in attendance.
To learn more about the incredible work Prisma Health Children's Hospital is doing, visit,