Small Business Administration Loans

Give your small business the financial resources needed to take the next big step.
Fixed-asset financing
Common uses for SBA 504 loans are commercial real estate and heavy equipment.
Longer repayment periods lead to more manageable monthly payments.
Reduced down payments
Qualify for an SBA loan by putting as little as 10% down on your project or purchase.
Work with local lenders
Work directly with the Pex Bank Holdings team, not government agencies.

Favorable terms can put your business on the road to success.

Whether you're launching a startup or expanding an existing business, an SBA 504 loan can be the ticket to a bright future. Purchase equipment, acquire real estate, renovate existing properties and more with financing backed by the federal government but provided by Pex Bank Holdings. Our experienced lenders know how to cut through the red tape to get capital to small businesses like yours.

SBA Funding vs. Conventional Loans
  • Lower down payments - as little as 10% down - with favorable terms and pricing.
  • Longer loan amortizations—up to 20 years for commercial real estate purchases and 10 years for machinery and equipment.
  • Real estate and equipment purchases can be wrapped into the same loan.
  • Provides a long-term fixed interest rate.
Potential Uses
  • Acquisition of land.
  • Land improvements.
  • Professional fees.
  • Construction of new buildings (business owner to occupy at least 60% with plans to occupy 80%).
  • Purchase one or more existing buildings (business owner to occupy 51%).
  • Remodel, convert, expand, or renovate existing buildings.
  • Leasehold improvements.
  • Acquisition of machinery and equipment.
  • Expansion refinancing.
  • Non-expansion refinancing.
Apply for a Small Business Administration loan.
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